Perihal Tip-Ex

Tercetus begitu saja. Entah kenapa. Mungkin karena MC prom night yang menanyakan pertanyaan klasik sedunia kepada anak yang memenangkan penghargaan Terbaper malam itu: “Kuliah di mana?” Setelah dijawab, disusul satu pertanyaan lagi, “jurusan apa?” (Belakangan, saya juga memenangkan penghargaan Ter Suka Tidur dan disuruh maju ke depan. Tapi itu lain cerita.) Tapi saat itu, saya …

Kenapa Orang Bisa Nangis Nonton AADC: Sebuah Analisis

Mengapa saya merasa harus banget menulis tentang AADC 2? (yaela pake saya) Bukan review beneran sih, saya cuma merasa sangat emotionally invested dengan film ini. Saat para ~~generasi millenial~~ berbondong-bondong menyaksikan film pertamanya di bioskop, saya baca aja belom becus. Saya mengenal AADC dari pemutarannya di TV yang hanya terjadi setahun sekali di setiap libur lebaran. …

[Review] Supernova: Inteligensi Embun Pagi

Kayaknya gue harus banget nulis tentang IEP setelah heboh berwara-wiri tentang buku ini selama seminggu. Sesuatu yang harusnya nggak gue lakukan berhubung minggu ini gue ujian sekolah, tapi apalah daya manusia rendah seperti gue menghadapi godaan duniawi. Meskipun baru mengenal saga ini sejak dua tahun lalu, berat rasanya harus berpisah dengan dunia Supernova yang membuka …

tabula rasa

Going back to this blog after seven months, I am feeling an intense wave of secondhand embarrassment. It’s just weird because in almost all of my previous film reviews it’s always me trying to say something clever; looking intently for something I’d miss until I found something interesting in someone else’s review, which is pretty …

Mad Max: Feminist Ally


“Who killed the world?”

One of my biggest regret of the year is seeing Insidious: Chapter 3 in the theater instead of Mad Max: Fury Road. The story sets in a post-apocalyptic world run by a tyrant overlord, Immortan Joe.

Max Rockatansky, a man haunted by the ghosts of his past, finds himself in an odd situation: being caught and preserved as a human blood supply for Immortan Joe’s crazy war cult. He escaped from a truck chase mission, and ending up aiding the escape of the five wives of Immortan Joe to The Green Place, initiated by Imperator Furiosa.

Even before the year approached an end, the public dubbed Fury Road as the best action movie of the year. After finally seeing it yesterday (thanks to Torrent!), I wholeheartedly agree. The movie was a hell-raising, two-hour thrill of rough action, full of aesthetically pleasing giant trucks, and even more beautiful truck chase scene on a desert plane, satisfying engine growls, memorable catchphrases, and splatters of red blood on the yellow sand. You don’t need to see the previous installments to jump in the bandwagon–though now I’m rather curious about the rest of them.

Another thing to be excited about this movie, is that it celebrates women empowerment as much as explosions and flame-throwing guitar shredding.

Continue readingMad Max: Feminist Ally

30 Films Challenge

The Film Stage put up their top 30 films of the year so far, and I’m going to watch them all and write about what I think of them. No one gave me an actual challenge or anything. I just invented it to keep myself productive in the midst of the sleep-deprived, sluggish haze that seems …

Summer Tunes: Fleet Foxes & Florence and The Machine

It’s time I get back to my not-very-special specialty: reviewing.

I can’t say I have a really good music taste or whatever. I rarely spend time exploring new music because I love my library too much already and I’m too lazy for it. But every once in a while I’ll accidentally found new music to obsess over for a few months or so. Lately I haven’t been listening to anything other than two albums: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by Florence and the Machine, and Fleet Foxes’ self-titled album. I even made a playlist on my phone that only contains these two beautiful gems.

They might have a lot of winter elements in them than summer, but screw it, I came across these on a sad warm summer night, therefore I declare these summer records.


I found out Florence and the Machine around last year from their hit songs Shake It Out and No Light, No Light. Their previous album, Ceremonials, was the one that really caught me. Florence has her soul poured out in every of her song, something that kind of stays with you. It was grandeur, over-the-top, an eclectic mix of church choirs and tribal sounds. In a word, otherworldly. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful was a bit different. It still got her old sounds, but the purpose was no longer to create something big. This time, she aims for honesty. It lays her emotions bare for us all to see: she releases her anger completely on tracks like What Kind of Man, showing her delicate side on St Jude and Long & Lost, and accepting her fears and weakness on Third Eye, Hiding, and Delilah.

Continue readingSummer Tunes: Fleet Foxes & Florence and The Machine

It’s not je suis manger, you guys.

Deciding on the URL, title and tagline of a blog was one of the hardest decision I had to make, a couple of times over the year. I used to change them like I change my sheets (which is kind of often since I bring snacks to my bed all the time). Ideally, our titles and taglines embody the spirit of our blog. Our philosophy. It has to be original and catchy, while still hits home. But it’s really hard for me to settle for one thing in a long run–cause I’m sooo changeable and I still hasn’t figured out the right word that has a ring to it yet.

But you might have noticed that I’ve already got one yet.

And no, it’s not a typo.

Continue readingIt’s not je suis manger, you guys.