Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset
I captured this yesterday morning while we were on our way to the dock.

So it’s been awhile. I’m terribly guilty for leaving this blog to gather dust for almost a month. Lots of things has happened meanwhile; the finals, me rushing up to finish Clash of Kings and the entire Civil War event, me crying about the episodes of Game of Thrones every week, film shoots, and me passing 11th grade. I’ve been off school for a week at least, and this afternoon I just got back from my vacation on this island which name literally means ‘coconut’. More on that later.

I signed up for this Blogging 101 course to keep my blog running, and yes, I’m aware that I am thirteen days late to do my first task. Better late than never is a lame excuse, but yeah. I didn’t check my e-mail everyday and it got buried. I am the real-life Clint Barton, I guess.

I’ve actually started blogging from 5th grade, writing stuff in Indonesian. Writing has always been my favorite activity, but I’m also an inconsistent person. This never goes well. I tend to avoid my inner conflict and indulge myself in fictional universes and texting a lot of people at once and thinking about life.

Lately, my blogging activities are only as far as me writing three actual posts and linking it to my Twitter page and calling myself a writer. Here are some of my old stuff. I mostly write about my thoughts on fictional things and real life issues, or just some stuff that happens in my life. I am full of angst and I think a lot, but most times I’d rather do a Doctor Who marathon than actually making my ideas come true. I don’t know what I’m trying to accomplish, to be honest, I just want to be consistent and have something to write from now and then. It would be nice to have something to hold onto that is: a) not fictional, and b) a thing that I can be proud of.

I hope I can catch up with the tasks, though! I truly am an embarrassment to the blogging community.

6 thoughts on “I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.

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